
Integrated in national and international congresses since 35 years
Physiotherapy Curriculum Vitae with focus on Lymphology – Manual Lymph Drainage / Complete Decongestive Therapy
Oliver Gueltig, born 25.05.1955 in Mannheim /Germany
- Member of the physiotherapeutic professions since 06/1978
- Senior Professor of Lymphologic medical training for medical doctors and physiotherapists
- Board member of the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Lymphology (DGL) (since 1979)
(German Society of Lymphology) - Member of the International Society of Lymphology (ISL) (since 1985)
- Member of the German speaking Society of Lymphology (GDL) (since 1995)
- Member of all professional physiotherapy associations in Germany
- Founding member and scientific chairman of the Ambulant Lymph Network “Lymphologicum e.V.” (since 2010)
- Instructor of over 60 certified Lymphology / Complete Decongestive Therapy teachers
- Founder of over 80 networks in Lymphology between physicians, physiotherapists, nursing professions and medical garment makers
- Editor in chief Lymphology guide, 1. Edition, O. Gueltig et al, Elsevier Verlag, 2015, 2. Edition 2021
- Advanced training in lymphology – manual lymph drainage 1979, Földi/Asdonk
- Director in the Physiotherapy Department of the Feldbergklinik Dr. med. Asdonk/Prof. Földi for Lymphology (the first specialised clinic in Lymphology in the world) 1980 – 1981
- Sat in on a complete course including examination in manual lymph drainage (Dr. Vodder) in Walchsee/Austria, 1981
- Specialist teacher of the Földi School in Freiburg from 1982 and manager of Public Relations Department and congresses of the Földi School
- 10 years as head of the working group Manual Lymph Drainage / Combined Physical Decongestion Therapy of the professional physiotherapy association (Association of Physical Therapy) from 1985 to 1995
- Director of Földi School in Freiburg i. Breisgau and Frankfurt a. Main 1988 – 1993
- 1993 Founding of Lymphologic med. training ldt., Frankfurt / Main General Manager and head teacher
- 2020 Director of GUELTIG LYMPHOLOGY training and consulting ldt.
Co-author of Scientific Manuals
- Lehrbuch der Lymphology (Standard textbook of Lymphology)
Edition 1 – 3, Gustav Fischer Verlag
Edition 6, Urban-Fischer Verlag - Patient guidebook “Das Lymphödem” (Lymphodema) edition 1 – 5, Gustav-Fischer Verlag
- Lipödem and Cellulitis (Lipodema and cellulite), Viavital Verlag
- Physiotherapy Kompléxe Décongestive, Editions Frison – Roche
- Lymphedema Diagnosis and Therapy, 4. edition, Viavital-Verlag
- Földi´s Textbook of Lymphology, 2. edition, Urban&Fischer Verlag (Elsevier)
- Lymphedema Management and Complete Physical Decongestive Therapy, 2. – 5. Edition, Viavital-Verlag
Publications in Magazines
- “Voluntary support of self-help groups for women recovering from cancer”
Magazine: Vasomed aktuell, 11/91 - “The care of chronic and seriously-ill patients in physiotherapy”
Magazine: Physical Therapy, Edition 16, 2/95 - Short-term comprehensive prescription cut downs on higher long-term costs
Magazine 1. Lymph-Forsch (Organ of the DGL), 2/2000
Magazine 2. European Hospital, Vol 10 Issue 1/01
Magazine 3. Heilberufe, 8/2001 - Magazine Heilberufe spezial: Ulcus Cruris, „Main focus lymphatic system“, Urban&Vogel Verlagsgesellschaft, Edition 2003/2004
- Physiotherapie med, Belhadi-Verlag, Main focus Lymphology 1/2004: Introduction to Lymphology – Manual lymph drainage, situation analysis, basic principles, study findings
- Physiotherapie med, Belhadi-Verlag, Edition 6/2004
Remedy guidelines 2004 – effects on the outpatient Lymphology - Lymphology in the research and practice, Edition 12/2004
1. Public relations and further education possibilities for outpatient doctors – prerequisite for the construction of a lymphology competence center in the outpatient department.
2. Success and failure with use the apparative intermittent compression therapy (AIK), results of a large-scale question action with patients with chronic Lymphedema of the extremities - European Wound Management Association (EWMA) Focus Document, 2005 –
Lymphoedema bandaging for the head, breast an genitalia - Lymphology in the research and practice (organ of the DGL), Edition 2/2005
Lymphedema bandaging for the head, breast and genitalia lymphedema on outpatient situation - Lymphology in the research and practice (organ of the DGL), Edition 11/2007
If everyone speaks in Germany the same language in the Lymphology – eight years Medical curriculum Lymphology - Journal of Wound Healing (Official organ of The German society. for Wound
Healing e.V. /DGfW)), Edition 6/2007
Lymphedema bandaging for the head, breast and genitalia lymphedema under considerations of cicatrisation disturbances, radiation reactions and palliative wounds - Vasomed, Edition 4/2010, outpatient treatment up to date
- Journal of vascular surgery, Edition 3/2012, The story of success in Lymphology and the Complete Decongestive Therap
- Phlebology, Edition 3/2015, Complete Decongestive Therapy in lymphedema/phlebo-lymphoedema
- Editor of the Lymphologic journal since 1988 – appears annually,
40 pages, circulation 42.000 which is sent free-of-charge to dedicated lymph therapists from Austria, Switzerland and Germany
Organisation and Programme Structuring for the following Congresses between 1987 and 2021
- Lymphologica 1987, Hamburg Congress Centre – Visitor numbers 900
- Lymphologica 1988, Zürich-Irchel University – Visitor numbers 1000
- Lymphologica 1989, Klinikum Großhadern – Visitor numbers 600
- Lymphologica 1991, Charité – Berlin – Visitor numbers 480
- Lymphologica 1993, Med. University Hanover – Visitor numbers 500
- Lymphologica 1999, Marburg University – Visitor numbers 450
- Lymphologica 2001, Bonn University – Visitor numbers 700
- Co-organizer and speaker of the annual congresses of the German Society for Lymphology 1992-2021
- Co-organizer and speaker of annual congresses of Lymphologicum e. V. 2011-2021
Other Organisational Work and Programme Structuring for Congresses and Symposia
- Causes and Therapy of sec. Lymphodema of the Head
9/88 Bremen (100 visitors) - Combined Physical Decongestion Therapy in Lymphodema
7/88 Travemünde (250 visitors) - Physiotherapy with Lymphodema Patients
5/89 Mainz (300 visitors) and 11/89 Hanover (280 visitors) - Lipodema in Pathophysiology, Therapy
4/90 Würzburg (400 visitors) - Physiotherapy with Migraine Patients – Pathology and Therapy
5/91 Mainz (290 visitors) - Lymphology Meeting in Bad Berka/Thüringen, Mediankliniken Bad Berka
1992 (480 visitors) - 1993 (360 visitors)
- 19 Angiologisches Forum Hamburg 2001 (180 visitors)
- 20 Angiologisches Forum Hamburg 2002 (150 visitors)
- 21 Angiologisches Forum Hamburg 2003 (210 visitors)
- 22 Angiologisches Forum Hamburg 2004 (150 visitors)
- Lymphology Congress Bad Wildungen, 17 January, 2004 (230 visitors)
- 10th Bonner Venous Surgery Meeting, 13/14 February, 2004 in co-operation with the German Phlebology Society, Prof. Dr. med. Eberhard Rabe (300 visitors)
- Master Class Conference for Physiotherapists Arnhem and Drachten, Netherland, 09. October 2004, 02./03. November 2005, 03. February 2007 and 10. November 2007
- Preparation and cooperation the 30th annual convention of the German society for Lymphology, 29. September to 01. October 2006, Vienna, together with 8 employees, (600 visitors)
- Day of the Lymphology in Friedrichroda near Erfurt, with patient seminar, 15/16 June, 2007 (200 visitors)
- 3. Congresso International de Fisioterapia, Maceio, Brazil, 2008 (1600 visitors)
- 22nd International Congress of Lymphology, Sydney, Australia 2009 (530 visitors)
- 5. Congresso International de Fisioterapia, Fortaleza, Brazil, 2010 (1800 visitors)
- Congress of Lymphology and Woundhealing in Beirut/Libanon with patient seminars and lectures, Lymphatic system treatment, 01/02 November 2013, St. George Hospital (250 visitors)
- 1. International Congress in Dubai, Conference on “PROSTHETIC, ORTHOTIC & COMPRESSION (EDEMA) THERAPY” 14./15.11.2014 (80 visitors)
- Speaker on five Armenian Symposiums between 2014 and 2019
- Speaker International Union of Phlebology Congress, 25.-27.08.2019, Krakow, Poland
- Speaker at the annual congresses of German Society of Phlebology 2015 – 2020
Regular speaker at numerous specialist symposia, further training measures for doctors, events in Germany and Austria of the self-help group for women recovering from cancer for over 20 years. Various trainings in Germany and abroad for doctors and medicinal assistance profession in English language.
In the course of his teaching work to date, Oliver Gueltig has, together with his specialist team, trained over 35.000 members of physiotherapy professions and over 1.000 physicians in the area of Lymphology and Manual Lymph Drainage/Complete Decongestive Therapy according to Vodder/Földi.