Countries: Egypt – Cairo
May 2024

Being the Congress President of the 1st Lymphology Conference in Egypt, held on May 8th, 2024, was a great pleasure for Oliver Gueltig. The event saw an impressive attendance of over 350 doctors and physiotherapists. Hosted at the famous Fathyma Congress Centre in Cairo, the conference was impeccably organized, creating an ideal environment for knowledge exchange.

In Egypt, physiotherapists often specialize in specific fields such as orthopedics, surgery, pediatrics, neurology, or lymphology. On May 9th, 2024, seventeen of these specialists gathered under the direction of Oliver Gueltig at the prestigious Fathyma Congress Centre for the Advanced Course. The participants received the latest updates in professional and scientific international lymphology.

From May 10th to 18th, 2024, the Certificate course in Lymphology/CDT was held for the second time in the conference rooms of Cleopatra Hospital. Over the span of nine days, 27 participants engaged actively to master the extensive curriculum and all (!) successfully passed the exam on May 18th.
Oliver Gueltig and Dr. M. Fathy led the sessions, with Dr. Fathy translating from English to Arabic when needed. As a lecturer at GUELTIG LYMPHOLOGY training and consulting, Dr. M. Fathy also delivered his own lessons. The warm and familiar teaching atmosphere made it hard for everyone to say goodbye after the certificates were handed over.
Oliver Gueltig: „We are already looking forward to seeing you again at our 2nd Lymphology Conference in Cairo in 2025.“